
Flipbook animation

I believe that you saw animations with a little book, but I´m not sure about something so complex like the one below. So I just hope you like it.


I´m so requested

Today, when I opened G-Talk I found this precious message from Google.I think that no other type of chatter will make you smile by happiness.

It feel so right that someone out there want you...



The chin is from his grandad, the eyes of the dad, the HIV from his mother.
Just like his mother: HIV positive.


The reality

Demotivators, is a page where you can find photos with little phrases on them or phrases with good photos on them.

I selected some of the funniest ones but there are a lot more.



This are good known illusions but maybe you don´t know them (cuz they are known for me, I don´t really know if everybody saw them).


Find the differences

Did you spot some?

Seen in haha.nu.


Street art

They call them self "Los Reyes del Mambo" and they change some cities to make it more happy, or just for fun.
I wish my city to become so nice like the ones that they visited.
Some of their works below. There are more in their page.


Vista Sucks

O never try it, but if the others were bad this would be worst